O-Key, from ALEXBANK provides you with a safer Internet Banking experience.
Transact faster, safer and more seamlessly with ALEXBANK’s O-Key for Mobile and Internet Banking…Access it directly from your ALEXBANK Mobile Banking app and enjoy a seamless authentication process.Once activated, the O-Key is used to generate a One Time Password (OTP) to authorize your online banking transactions and to setup your Fingerprint on your Mobile Banking app. For your security, each generated OTP is used once and is only valid for a short period of time.
Specifically designed to comply with the strongest security mechanisms available, O-Key has a unique set of security features designed to provide ALEXBANK’s Mobile and Internet Banking customers with the safest level of banking transaction authentication.
Security features installed on O-Key include:- User-defined PIN- Seamless linking with your ALEXBANK Mobile Banking App- Self-reactivation through the application
How to get started?1) Download the O-Key on your mobile device2) Activate the O-Key by entering the activation code you received via SMS3) Set your PIN to enable you to generate your OTPFew performance enhancements